Audrey LOVES the pool and constantly asks to get in. She wears that blue star around her waist (or carries it on her arm) whenever able... saying "I like the star! I like the star!" over and over.


I am starting to realize that Audrey loves water, possibly more than anything else in her little world right now (besides the people she loves of course!). She and my Dad and I found a fountain nearby on a walk we took one night...

Going out on the town with my Mom!
My Dad and I:
The J Paul Getty Museum - what an incredible place!!! BEAUTIFUL!
Such appealing clean lines... everything was so classy and clean feeling...
Again with the water!
My girl loves water, so so much... did I mention her obsession with water?!

Snack time!

Aka, coffee time for mommy...

The views from the Getty are absolutely gorgeous.
I really enjoyed walking through the gardens.
Such a happy girl! She has been so bouncy and cheerful during 95% of our trip so far! I love my sweet girl.
An awesome view of LA.
Here is the view from the entrance to the J.L Gerome exhibit, which was FAN-freaking-TASTIC!!!! I loved it and spent a long time looking at his work. The detail, usage of light and shadow, humor and political context, and facial expression were all exquisite. I could actually feel myself present in many of his paintings just by standing in front of them. Anyway... too bad they didn't allow photography, so no pics for you! :p
Driving through Beverly Hills, which I've seen before many times but it was still fun to drive through:
The House of Blues... rather unimpressive if you ask me...

Sunset Blvd.

After the Getty Museum, we checked out a very classy shopping spot in LA that is adjacent to an amazing farmer's market, which I loved very much.
We took Audrey into the American Girl store... oh my... either it was a big mistake or a very good thing, because she loved it. She kept saying "Dolly, mommy! dolly!"

Our last stop was this AMAZING farmer's market. Seriously, if I lived nearby I'd be here constantly.

I had an iced capp.... oh... my.. gosh... HEAVENLY. Yum.

"Wahhh, I'm tired and over stimulated, take me home!"
And take her home we did. Although, she ended up getting car sick and puking all over herself in the car. It was nasty.
More to come as our trip progresses! From Orange County... it's Saturday night! Omg. I need sleep.