Saturday, January 26, 2008

New List

And now for something completely different (come on, Monty Python fans!). Before I post my new LoCF (List of Current Favorites) I must show my LOST countdown once again, mostly out of sheer excitement about Season 4 starting THIS WEEK! 3 Days, people. Three. Tres. Three days until LOST fans continue the puzzling saga. Will we discover more of the story, or will we simply agonize through the few episodes they'll release until the cliff-hanger that will be episode 8, only to wait another year to continue staring mesmerized at our tv screens? Will Michael return ~ with or without Walt? Is Charlie really dead? Has all that has happened up to this point simply been flashbacks into the past after Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Locke, and the others have made if off the island? What will happen when "Penny's ship" makes it to the island? Also, did anyone notice in the final frame of the new trailer this week, that a city is reflected in the ocean off of the island? DUN DUN DUN! What does it mean!!! Of course, my LoCF must begin with this terribly addicting show.

Other (mostly pointless) shows I love right now:
~ American Idol (I can't resist)
~ Scrubs
~ Project Runway
~ America's Next Top Model (I know, I know!)
Decaf Starbucks Christmas Blend...mmmm
Going to bed early
Playing Scramble on Facebook
Slippers, and other cozy wintery wear
My daily walks outdoors, despite the freezing temperatures
Keeping the house tidy and preparing the nursery - can we say nesting?!
The New Mom's Manual: Over 800 Tips and Advice from Hundreds of Moms for Baby's First Year ~ This is one helpful book! I'm gonna need to buy this one.

My list is rather short this time. Besides the hustle and bustle of getting ready for baby, life is fairly simple. I am content with not having much going on, as very soon I will be very busy with our new baby girl!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Baby Update

I think it's about time for another List of Current Favorites, simply because favorite things tend to change, don't they? Excepting of course, the obvious people that will always and forever top my List of Current Favorites. As a matter of fact these should be unspoken, assumed current favorites whether I actually type them or not: God, Eric, our baby girl soon to be born, Gabby & Sasha. Gabby & Sasha aren't exactly people, but they are part of the family for sure! As of this moment I am still compiling the current list in my mind, so I will post it tomorrow or Saturday. Something to look forward to. :)

A week ago, we had another ultra sound. Seeing the baby in 4D is always fascinating. It is hard to tear my eyes away from the screen, and always disappointing for the scan to end. Baby is doing well, and growing rapidly! They say she is already 2.7 lbs and in the 80th percentile. Growth scans tend to be off, sometimes quite a bit, so I wasn't too alarmed to hear that she is already so big. My doctor wants me to continue monitoring my bloodsugars closely and bring them under even tighter control if I can. I have been doing a great job, but there are a few things I can fine tune in regards to my bloodsugars. The better they are, the more normal-in-size my baby will be. High blood sugar crosses the placenta, causing her to make more of her own insulin to bring her bloodsugar down, which in turn causes her to gain extra weight. Bigger babies make births more difficult and could cause "health problems later in life" according to my doctor.

I can hardly believe she will be here in about two months. I can almost feel her getting bigger every day, and kicking me a little more strongly. Reminding me that we will meet very soon! There is so much yet to do to prepare for her, and so much to learn. I am so excited for her to be born. I hope we will be ready to raise, feed, protect, guide, care for, and encourage this little life that God has blessed us with! Praise God He is with us at every moment, helping us through each circumstance. Here she is, looking a little shy, or maybe tired? The strange shapes around her body are fluids.

More to come in the next day or two. Farewell, fellow bloggers!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Snowy Randomness

I was randomly thinking about snow today. I'm not sure why, because it's raining and will probably rain all night. However, I realized that I'm not as excited about snow as I was when first moving to the midwest. I really enjoy watching it snow. Taking pictures of it is also fun, and playing in it once in awhile is great too. I am fascinated with how it transforms the world into a clean, bright, and beautiful place. My overall reaction can for the most part be summed up in this comic called "The Middletons" that I saw in the paper today. :D


Monday, January 7, 2008

It has been awhile since I posted a list of my current favorite things. This list can be made up of anything at all as long as it is currently one of my favorite things; whether it be wonderful, curious, intriguing, strange, or in other ways imaginative. Without further ado, I give you my List of Current Favorites.


Feeling my baby girl kick
LOST Season 4 (even though it hasn't been aired yet :D)
Sleeping in
Homemade Coffee Bean ice blended coffee
Comfy sweatshirts
Beatrix Potter (aka nursery theme)
EverQuest 2
Fruit ~ oranges, bananas, peaches, pears... almost any kind
Ephesians 3:20-21
Orange Spice hot tea
Peach, Green, and Brown colors
Reading ~ Catherine Palmer, Jan Karon
Being able to go outside without a heavy coat :)

Thursday, January 3, 2008

LOST Returns!

More than a few of us were afraid we wouldn't see LOST return with Season 4. What trying times are these.... Much to our amazement and delight, we will see at least 8 episodes of the LONG awaited Season 4, beginning January 31st! Try to contain your excitement, regardless of how difficult it is. Eric and I will be watching Season 3 in the next few weeks with our fellow fans Dave & Katie, to catch up on recent LOST history and re-theorize what we think will happen, who is coming back, and who may or may not have died (I have yet to see Charlie in the trailor Katie, dangit!) In honor of our much loved show, I give you an official LOST countdown. *shiver*

Hang in there fellow LOST fans! THE RETURN is imminent!

California Pics Continued...

Here are some pictures that my Dad took during our Newport Beach outing last week!

She only gets out once in awhile... (kidding, Kim! :D)

Frisbee action shots... This one of Mom makes me giggle!

Silly face!