Saturday, February 6, 2010

I Don't Think So, Dr. Oz

I don't know if you watched it, but Oprah's show a few days ago was all about diabetes ("The Silent Killer" *sigh*). I caught the last couple minutes but didn't watch much of it. Apparently, Dr. Oz needs to go back to school, hire an endrocrinologist, and just stop talking about it altogether. Almost all of what he said about diabetes on the show was completely off track. On facebook, a few of my diabetic friends have linked a blog that was posted about it, written by a type 1 diabetic of 35 years. The link to that blog post is below. As most or all of you know, I've been a type 1 diabetic since I was 5. It frustrated me to hear that someone who is a "doctor" and therefore someone with an opinion to be "trusted" was spreading falsehoods on national TV about the auto-immune disease that I and so many others live with. If you watched the show and are curious about diabetes, read the blog and do your own research on diabetes (The American Diabetes Association is a good place to start.), or reply to this post and ask me questions. I don't mind. If you're not curious and don't feel like reading this random guy's blog post, no worries. Just know that Dr. Oz doesn't know what he is talking about.


Kim said...

that's ridiculous.. never trust celebrities! they all seem to be fake lol :) think about it - Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, etc.

p.s. what exactly did he say? I skimmed through the other blog you posted but didn't find a whole lot about it..

Christy said...
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Christy said...

It's more like, what did NOT say. He left out a bunch of details about diabetes that are really important and dramatically built up the complications people can have. Sounds like it was more of a scare tactic than an informational HELP. Apparently he didn't say anything about insulin resistance (as well as a lot of other things) and why it actually happens. Among other statements, he talks about sugar causing diabetes, which is just stupid... too much sugar causes cavities not diabetes. I guess he also said that you can make type 2 diabetes go away completely with diet and exercise in some cases, which is not true either. If you already have type 2, your body simply isn't making enough insulin and you can't MAKE it make more insulin. Diet and exercise can be used in place of insulin to make the blood sugar come down, but it's not a cure. If you stop dieting and exercising, the bloodsugar goes right back up. Anyway, it's that kind of "noobish" stuff that makes me so mad!! Dr. Oz is a Professor of Surgery (specializing in cardiovascular surgery) at Columbia... why is he even talking in depth about Diabetes?! Apparently Bob Greene, the fitness guy who was also on the show, knew more about it than Dr. Oz, lol.

So those are just a few points. I found a write up of what they talked about on the show (and right there on the front page he says diabetes is treatable, even reversible. Treatable for sure, but reversible?! UGH!

Here's the link: