Saturday, September 13, 2008

5 Months!

I know, I know. It's time for new pictures of the little munchkin, I know! I'll get to that in a minute, don't you worry. Or, you can just skip ahead and not read the text part of this post, as I'm sure you will probably do anyway. :) Hold your horses... all I'm going to do is give you the latest "stats" from her check up at the pediatrician's the other day, and then you can look at the pictures! Geesh.

Audrey is doing great physically and developmentally, emotionally and spiritually too of course. Ha. :) She is 16 lbs. 10 oz., and 27 inches long. That puts her in the 96th percentile for height, and 88th for weight! She has hit all of the developmental milestones that babies her age should have hit by now, and she is growing right on schedule. Praise the Lord for a perfectly healthy, normal, strong, happy baby! She sleeps 12-14 hours STRAIGHT every single night, which results in a nap schedule that consists mostly of cat naps. I would rather have her sleep through the night though, than for long periods during the day. OKAY already, on with the pictures!

So, she has this adorable little sweatshirt that she finally fits into. The hood is a tad big though, and we thought she looked a little like Rocky Balboa in it:

Imagine "Eye of the Tiger" playing loudly:

I wouldn't want to face this tough cookie in the ring, that's for sure.

She even has scars like Rocky. By the way I DO cut her fingernails often, I'm not a bad Mom you know! Babies scratch themselves accidentally sometimes anyway, and there is no helping it. Gah.

Here are a few of Gabby getting up close and personal. Audrey absolutely LOVES the dogs, and tries to grab their fur any chance she gets.

That's it for now. I am falling asleep at my keyboard. I'll try to post again very soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is adorable!!!! I miss that little munchin! Glad to hear your power is back on. Sending you both lots of love,
