Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I can't decide what to do with my blog. Keep it at Blogger? Move it to Tumblr? I'm trying to customize it here so that I LOVE it. I really like Tumblr, but unless you're a member there, it's kind of a pain to comment on posts. I enjoy getting occasional comments from people here, so I will probably stick with Blogger. Either way, this blog is officially UNDER CONSTRUCTION. I'm too tired to mess with it any more tonight. I'll clean it up soon!


Laura said...

yay, thanks for sacrificing, I don't have a clue about tumblr but I could learn:)

Kim said...

I say stay on blogspot! I checked out your tumblr page and it was pretty cool, but kind of annoying that I had to click on all the boxes ;) that's my opinion anyway lol

Christy said...

Haha yeah, I hear you both! That tumblr template is just one of like, 25 I've tried, bahaha. I have officially decided to stick with blogger, but I'll keep my tumblr just for kicks. Now to customize this thing!! :)

Kathryn Porowski said...

I like your blogger website. Its so convenient for us non computer buffs. The other was too slick and difficult to figure out. That's my rather dull comment. Love ya,Mumzy