Monday, November 26, 2007


I am finally a budding member of Facebook. It took awhile to get me interested, but I must say now I am hooked, and I like it more than myspace! If you have a facebook profile/account, make sure to find and add me. You may be able to click here to sign in and find me, otherwise just search for my full name to do so.

How was everyone's Thanksgiving? I hope the holiday and weekend was enjoyable, relaxing, and perfect. We spent a great day with Eric's parents. The huge Thanksgiving lunch was amazing, and we saw the movie Beowulf that evening. I wasn't particularly impressed by the animation, and it was rather long, however the story line was good, and the music was wonderful. To each his own, I suppose! :) The rest of the weekend was relaxing, and I spent much time reading. It was nice to have a relaxing weekend before the busy weekend ahead. Eric and I are in the bridal party for his brother Kyle and fiancee Jennifer's wedding this weekend, which will be great! The wedding is in Virginia, so we will be there for 4 days to enjoy the festivities.

Stay tuned for some exciting news tomorrow. Happy Monday, friends!

1 comment:

Matthew said...

I knew you'd come around to Facebookland! Aren't you glad I made you get an account way back when? :)

We had a fantastic Thanksmas (that's what my mom's family calls our Thanksgiving/Christmas gatherings) in Tennessee. Long drives, but totally worth it!

I'm looking forward to Beowulf. I love the story, and I'm interested to see what this animation is all about...

Ok, back to the grind of the office I go!