Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Rice Rice Baby

We were hoping to know if our baby was a boy or a girl today, but baby was shy at our appointment yesterday! The ultra sound technician told us baby was a girl, but the doctor told us not to count on it, and wait until the next ultra sound to be sure. Baby was curled up in a comfy position that made it hard to get a good view of what we needed to see.... or not see. :) Baby was too shy to give us a good picture of the face and profile as well, but I have a few shots to post anyway. Click for bigger versions.

The little hand is up top, the head to the left and tummy to the right.

This shot is supposed to show that baby is a girl, but the doctor said that the best angle we could get wasn't one that confirmed the gender for sure.

I am disappointed that I can't paint the nursery and start buying gender specific baby things yet, but knowing that baby is healthy and growing on schedule was good enough for us. Seeing all of the perfectly formed body parts was amazing and touching, for lack of a better word ~ the little fingers and toes, the spine, brain and heart all healthy and strong! It was amazing to see baby move. I felt very connected as I watched the screen. As I inhaled and exhaled, baby moved ever so slightly to the movement of my lungs. It was amazing.

Enough gushing. Have a great weekend everyone ~ I should have a few pics from Kyle and Jen's wedding when we get back next week. Cheers!

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