Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fall For It!

Fall. Beautiful Fall. It's here. My favorite time of year (followed very, very closely by Christmastime). The sweating is over. The humidity is done. It is time to rejoice. As I wrote a few years ago: "Here's to all the wonderful autumn things that I have been looking forward to so much. Cold noses, warm houses, mittens, scarves, and big comfy coats. Steamy hot chocolate, warm cookies, apple and pumpkin pies, and lots of turkey with gravy. Brilliant leaves colored red, orange, and yellow, and a chilly breeze that whispers of winter. Darkness will come early now for cozy nights that bring hearty hot suppers."

Not that I don't enjoy the lush, "greenness" of Spring and Summer. I really drank it in this year, as last Winter lingered long and left it's gloom around a little too long. I'm trying to enjoy being outside every day until the gloom settles in again. Snow will be really fun this year though, with Audrey big enough to run around and play in it! I am looking forward to it.

We took the dogs to the river last week, wanting to enjoy it one last time before the weather turned cold. It was great!

In honor of Fall, it is time for a new banner. Coming soon. :)

PS~ The pic at the top of this post is my new desktop wall paper (click for big version!). No, I didn't take the picture (*pout*), and I have no idea where the picture was taken. I love it though!

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