Friday, September 7, 2007


I am so excited. Dave & Katie and Eric & I are going to Florida this coming Tuesday for 4 days. We'll be flying into St. Augustine, and staying in Palm Beach for 3 nights. We have plans to see the Ripleys Believe It Or Not Museum, the Fountain of Youth, and perhaps another thing or two. For the most part, we will enjoy laying out on the beach, lounging around our resort suite, shopping in old historic St. Augustine, and being lazy bums overall. It will be a relaxing and enjoyable time out of our normal routines. Just think. No dogs who bark and whine because they need to go outside at 6am. No annoying alarm clocks that go off much too early and remind us of the busy workday ahead. Imagine starting the day by getting up at your own pace, meandering into the kitchen with your crazy bed-head, only to eat breakfast at a leisurely pace with your very good friends. Ah. Life is good. Can you tell I'm not a morning person? :)

Autumn will be here soon. In honor of my anticipation, I made a new banner. :) I cannot wait to feel the cool air of autumn on my face. It's windy today, and I love it. I plan to drive to Highbanks Metro Park for lunch, roll down the windows, and sit in the quiet while the wind blows around me. It is during those times that I am most able to open my heart and mind to God. There is something about a mildly strong breeze that lifts my soul to Him. It seems to carry my worries away, leaving only peace. I close my eyes, pray, and let go of the day's concerns. Hmm, it must be Friday. :)

I will post again before we leave on Tuesday. Have a great weekend, blogger friends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a wonderful time. I had a great 3-day weekend with my family and your sister. Write soon