Friday, July 2, 2010

Walk walk walk walk, all the live long day! Wait...

In an effort to continue my habit of blogging more often than not, I took pictures along my walk route this morning. As you may know of me by now, I love to walk (this fact has assisted in helping me lose almost 30 lbs. in the past year), often several times daily if the weather and schedule permits. This morning Audrey and I walked to a park we've been to many times, but I've never followed the path around it's circumference. I decided I really like the route, and you can be sure I'll walk it often in the days to come!

What a beautiful day it is today! Fresh air, abundant sunshine, endless blue sky, and a cool breeze certainly do something for the soul.

At the school playground along the path:

I finally got some smiles out of her... every time I try to snap a picture, she looks the other way or pretends I'm not there! Stinker.

The path skirts a few soccer and baseball fields:

A house that was screaming, "I am beautiful, come live in me!"
along the way:

Not a cloud in the sky.

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