I am a little more than mildly excited. My copy of the Pride & Prejudice piano music (written by Dario Marianelli) from the film arrived today! As most of you probably know, I am slightly obsessed with the film and adore the music. I cannot wait to go home and play it. I could jump up and down right now, which would probably only add to the eye-brow raises I already get from my co-workers... hmm. *bounce bounce bounce*
The music is beautiful. Not hard, but something wonderful for me to start with as I begin practicing again. When I LOVE the music I am playing, I tend to practice a lot more and put more feeling into it, as is to be expected I suppose. It's 11am and I have to sit here at work looking at the music until I go home tonight. Oh the agony! :p
If this is boring and uninteresting to you... too bad, you're reading MY blog! Ahahaha
Christy, I'm so glad you have a blog! Yay! Yes, i love the Pride and Prejudice music too. And I'm glad you can enjoy it yourself!
Christy, I'm so glad you got a blog! Yay! I love Pride and Prejudice music too, and am so glad you can enjoy it yourself.
Christy, I'm so glad you got a blog! Yay! I love Pride and Prejudice music too, and am so glad you can enjoy it yourself.
Christy, I'm so glad you got a blog! Yay! I love Pride and Prejudice music too, and am so glad you can enjoy it yourself.
Christy, I'm so glad you got a blog! Yay! I love Pride and Prejudice music too, and am so glad you can enjoy it yourself.
Oh my gosh, so sorry there are so many duplicate comments from me! We didn;t think it was working! I got your letter today and wrote you back. It will be in the mail tomorrow! I love this
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