Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Zoo be doo be doo

Audrey and I went to the zoo again last week - it was great! We went with our friends Abby & Nolan, and Katie & Brianna. We saw some different animals than last time...

The brown bear was peeking out of the trees...

*Shudder* bats...

Fluffy the massive Python...

Beko the baby elephant!
He is the main attraction at the zoo right now. So cute.

Audrey and Brianna checking out the gorilla:

Kinda hard to see him with the reflection,
but he was being quite a ham for the crowd.

This penguin kept swimming right in front of Audrey. She loved it!

Of course I didn't manage to get a picture of her looking like she loved it!

These guys were sleeping:

If you look closely, you will see a tiny orange tail next to the bigger monkey's long, grey one.
The mommy was nursing the new baby monkey!

Fun times at the zoo once again! I love walking around the zoo and I think Audrey does as well.

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